A Weekend Away.. And a Wedding.. And Sharing

Well we got to have a weekend away from the 2nd year madness. It was not really relaxing but it was really fun! We Stayed at my Grandma and Grandpa Holly's house, It was great to get to see them for at least a little while and share their great grandaughter with them. Saturday morning we got Arika a Snow outfit that so she can stay warm this winter (Hopefully playing with her cousins on daddy's side at Christmas!). We then met up with Wes and Jodi at Tim Hortons none the less! It was Wes's Birthday so they were with there friends Beth and Andy (Beth is one of our more regular readers HI BETH!!). That after noon We had the honor of going to my Cousin Josh's Wedding to Danielle Pierce. Congrats Guys!

My Parents where there aswell so they had a chance to get to hang out with their grandaughter! They never really want to see me anymore.. ya know... On Sunday we have the oppertunity to visit Grace Bible Church, a church that has set up a "special fund" for us to be able to give supporters a tax recipet until we are in NTM, we where able to share a little on whats going on in our lives today and Thank them. This is the Church that paid our Hospital Bill last year for Arika. We again Appreciate SO much that they are and were willing to pray and trust God on our behalf!

Happy Birthday WES and NOAH (Jims Nephew!)