Okay, so I wasn't sure what to post and I couldn't find our cord for downloading our pictures! But I found some of us when we went to the Henry Ford Museum with Jim's brother and His family as well as anther nephew. We had a total blast that day and are glad we had the opportunity to spend the day with them! Here are some pictures for you!
This is Jim and His brother Rob in front of the bus that Rosa Parks road on. She was arrested because she was black and wouldn't give up her seat to a white guy.
Here's Derek, Robbie, and Julia by some of the trains.
They had a fun spot to build cars and test them out. As you can see all the kids had fun!
(Iris is behind me, she's Rob's wife. She is so much fun!)
(Iris is behind me, she's Rob's wife. She is so much fun!)
These are just a few, I hope you enjoyed!
Love you all,
Love you all,