Kids do and say the darnedest things!

Our Munchkin sure does! Monday, afternoon, early evening, Arika was riding her tricycle, we were outside with her talking to our neighbors. She's riding on the side walk and all the sudden I look up and she has pushed off the sidewalk, put her feet in the air and is riding down a little hill, but little did she realize or think about(she's only 2!)Arika's view as she heads down the hill!

View of hill from the side.
that there is the top of a brick wall that drops straight down, four feet. I see her start going, I yell for Jim and start running to get to her, I know that there was absolutely no way for me to get to her in time. Her front tire hits the the top of the brick wall, she goes flying over the handle bars, and the bike goes after her, and this point I am at the wall, on my way down around it.
Where I ran down around! And the wall she went flying from!
I hear screaming. At least that is a good sign, she's breathing, and conscious. We both get down there, I was afraid to move her, thinking maybe she hurt her neck or broke a bone, but she stood up and went right to Jim. We carried her inside. She said the only thing that hurt was the upper right side of her forehead. She didn't even get a goose egg or anything, just a couple little scratches, and a grass stain! Later we saw that she bit her tongue a little bit. But praise the Lord she is fine!Just to give you an idea of how high the wall is. I'm 5' 2", and as you can see that is quite a fall!

After it was all over, I broke down crying. Jim had Arika come in and he has her tell me, "mommy, I sorry"
me "it's okay honey, you didn't do it on purpose"
Arika "why mommy sad?"
Me "you scared mommy, I thought you were going to get hurt really bad"
Arika "I okay mommy, I okay."
Let's just say that helped cheer me up. She is so stinking cute!
Again, we Praise the Lord that she is okay and has no other injuries!
Joy for the 4 us!