
Hey everybody,
It is nice to actually have time while we are in town to sit down and make a post!
Arika's testing went well! She did really good. The only time she was upset is when the dr. said to keep putting more contrast in so she would pee. She said it hurt! But other then that she did awesome! She is now in the clear! She is free from the bladder reflux. We are so excited and praising the Lord.

My appointment went well. I am now 19 weeks and my due date is November 25th! Around Thanksgiving. So I will definitely feel like I have I turkey in my belly! My ultrasound is one week from today!! We are hoping to find out what we are having. So we will do our best to keep you updated.
I had the opportunity to go to my sister's baby shower! She is having her first! It was so much fun to be their for her! So here is a picture of her and one of me with a good friend of the family!

On the same day we had a wedding to go to. This is Rolf and Amber. Jim's cousin was married on Sat last week! WE say Congratulations! We are so excited for them!!
I hope to have some pictures to show you of me and how big I have gotten so far in this pregnancy!
Thanks again for all your prayers!